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Patch 1.1 informations

Save files are fully compatible. Just transfer all files from your PROFILES and SETTINGS directories. 

Biopulse weapon corrected to deal damage even outside the view screen. 

Immobilized ships no longer have control of their movement through energy transfers. 

NX class ships have no longer energy transfered to shields.

Uncontrollable ships which are once caught by a tractor beam will not continue they flight after releasing. 

Photon/Tricobalt messages corrected (Raptor class).


Informace k patchi 1.1

Savy jsou zcela kompatibilní. 

Opraven biopulse beam aby učinkoval i za obrazovku.

Nekontrolovatelná loď nemá kontrolu nad pohybem pomocí odvedení energie z motorů.

NX class už nemá energii ve štítech.

Neovladatelná loď zachycená tractorem se zastaví na pořád.

Opraveny hlášky u fotonových/tricobaltových torpéd (Raptor).